Saturday, 22 November 2008

nak tengok TWILIGHT soo bad!

kat america da kuar ouh.benci benci x(
tpy seb bek kat cni kuar 27 nih kalo x da sumpah seranah da haha
dude,tk tao nk tulis ape ouh..tetibe blank

im currently watching 90210.gahd i wish i could live in baverly'll be soo cool.
i love george <33 ! HAHAhh

and and,.i want these magazines soo badd!! huhuhh.ive been searching for it tpy x jmpe ouh ;(

Thursday, 20 November 2008

wow.lama tk guna blog ouh

it has been quite a while since the last time i wrote my blogs here.
didnt hve the time or more specifically the things to write.
what brings me here??
im PISSED OFF w/ sumone rite now!! x(
grr~ shes supposed to be my best friend.i guess its over now.
wht really pisses me off is tht she lied to mehh.
wht kind of friend yg men tipu2 kawan dye huh?? tell me if there's one.
im not goin to talk to her ever again.NEVER!
look at the bright side,TWILIGHT kluar next week ouh.
cant wait to see the movie.ive been waiting fer it my whole life
(eceh2,pdhal bru taon nih haha)
kay US kuar esok ouh..grr~
papepun,im still gonna see the movie on its first day out =)

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

mid year exams !

warghh! tmmrw da start exams.
benci !nyampah ! x ske !
maybe i stop till hre..writing my blog.
after blikk from London i tulis
lgy okie?
wish me luck!
( ;

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

labour's day !

cutii!!haha.yesterday was awesome!
kuar ngn mira n zato gy mcd.i treat diorg.
ske glerr diorg.haha.
then i met rabiah n her classmates.
syaira,hareez n amir.
best dpat borak2 ngn diorg.laughing almost all the
tyme we spent there.(pizza hut)
smlm mmg da best day ever lar !
cant stop thinking 'bout it 'till now.

( :

Monday, 28 April 2008 <33

wht a jolly world eh?
omg! omg! omg! he noes 'bout it?
warggghhhhh!! malu baii!
but i like =PP
i wonder wht will happen next?!
then exams break next.
and the bestest part,london!
i'll let u noe wht'll happen next okie?
later guys!

school break soon! ;)

cuti!cuti!cuti! wahahahhh..xDD
exams just around the leklok.
kalo leh xnk fail. XNK!!
then tyme LONDON !!
uwahahhaahhhh..xcited babeyhh.
thts all lar.mlas nk b'celoteh.
(tata fer now!) if u noe wht i mean.


Friday, 11 April 2008


very,very the happy coz ak da pndai chem.
not much ter say but guess wht?ak x dpat no last
dlam class.bapakk hepi douhh!mati2 i tot dpat last kn..i got last two place..khkh=P
wtvr pun,da start tuition nie i hope my marks wiil get better.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

3x blog.

third tyme buat blog nih.x tao nk tulis ape.
comon,say sumthin'?! haiyaa..~
actually sje2 jew create blog nih coz almost
everyone has it so why cant i hve it too.rite?;)
:OO..seriously,x tao nk tulis ape -.-
nvm,nnty ade pape i write it okie?
cyah later!