Tuesday 25 August 2009


suda lame la jgee tk update blog ni. did i ever mention that i hate writings?? well.. i hate writings. or typing..wtvr. nways,mcm2 happend since the last time i updated this blog. trial smbung next week. puasa lagi tu. OUH! i forgot. SELAMAT BERPUASA to all the muslims out there:DD & smbung2. byk laa. & now its already 2.05 a.m. daaayymmmnnn. if my dad finds out that i'm still off bed..u have no idea what he'll do to me. he'll eventually KILL ME!!!! & the last thing i want any of this to happen is that my sister is gonna leave tomorrow to go to russia. i know i'll be sad if she goes. i'll have no one else to kacau-kacau with sob sob ;( dh latu. i'll update something else next time. love yahh bitches! xoxo -shila