Monday, 21 December 2009
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
soon it will E.N.D
hello fella ;D i haven't updated my blog for months now. it's November already & in a week of time, i'm gonna sit for my SPM test. i'm soo scared. but at the same time, i'm soo excited because after this, i won't be going to school anymore. hoooraaayy!
& yes, my title for this blog were inspired by one of the UP! Soundtrack - Married Life. it's about two people met ever since they were toddlers & got married. but then the wife had some kind of disease & died. so sad isn't it? that shows us that everything we own in this life will come to an end eventually. so it is better to appreciate everything you have so that you won't regret about it anytime soon. blog to ya'll later. got some 500 pages of History to finish up.
love, Shilaa ;)
Sunday, 13 September 2009
N to tha M Full Length in HD with No Fan Girl Screaming. ahaha
i was screaming. literally. this new trailer doesn't look like a trailer at all. this one is wicked AWESOME ! trust me. you gonna LOVEEE this.
xoxo -shilaa
xoxo -shilaa
Monday, 7 September 2009
i'm still stoke about what i dreamt last. & now i can get him outta my head. it has been years now since the last time i saw him. i can't help myself not to think about what hppnd between us because NOTHING really hppnd. in my dream, i was asking him "where have you been? i havn't seen you in ages." then he was lke, "shila, i was here all the time". & then i woke up. gahd that just freaks me out. i need to call him. or at least ask someone whether they still in contact with him. after i woke up last night, i realize that i still miss him..badly. urghhhhh! why do life always be this complicated for me???? i miss you hafiz xoxo -shilaa
Saturday, 5 September 2009
ohmygosh *jaw drop, eyes wide*
i don't wanna scream everytime a new poster is out. but i can't help myself cause i'm already addicted towards it at the first place. maybe i should start a new club called "Twilight Saga Sreaming Fanatic Fans" haha ;pp nways, these are the photos so..urm..just scream with me ok?

phewww~ so, what doyah guys think?? awesome isn't it?? idc bout edward much cause "i ran with wolves" hahah. go TEAM JACOB! awoooooo. later ya'll xoxo -shilaa
phewww~ so, what doyah guys think?? awesome isn't it?? idc bout edward much cause "i ran with wolves" hahah. go TEAM JACOB! awoooooo. later ya'll xoxo -shilaa
Friday, 4 September 2009
arghhhhhhhh!! i'm soo gonna kill myself right now. how come bella gets everything she wants?? first, a poster of her with both edward & jacob. then a poster of her with jacob only. now, with edward. soo not fair !! gahh. just scream with me people. scream! WARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !! ok ok. just.. enjoy urself w/ this poster or wtvr. i still love ya'll :DD xoxo -shilaa
Thursday, 3 September 2009
oh bananasss
hehh. 2 more weeks til the trials ended. & tomorrow is my day off. yeayyyyy! i really dunt have much things to say rite now so..yahh. guess this update wont be much of a paragraph then. but oh, im gonna upload a lots of photos soon. & please send your comments about these photos i uploaded on twitpic. thank you :DD xoxo -shilaa
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
twitter FREAK! haha
i forgot to post my twitter website. so here here >>
so let me knw if any of you own one & dunt forget to follow me. ttyl:D xoxo -shilaa
so let me knw if any of you own one & dunt forget to follow me. ttyl:D xoxo -shilaa
school SUCKS!
i will never, ever, ever gonna set my footsteps at school after my SPM exams. did i ever mention tht school is lke my personal hell on earth?? seriously, those rules & stuff they want us to obey w/ is lke the most ridiculous things i ever been through. exams & more exams, trials, more trials.. haishh. so moving on, i diden go to school today cause there isn't any paper im taking today so yahh. i have to wait like 2 weeks more until the trial's finish. daymmnnnn! urghh, why? oh why?? & oh, oh. im a TWEETFREAK! yepp. read my lips.. or not. haha ;DD TWEETFREAK! seriously. i can tweet lke 20 updates in one single day. its not my fault you knw cause everytime i click on the "home" button, they always ask me, "what are you doing?" i mean lke..chh..duhh?? what else. facebook,myspace,youtube & stuff. omg,am i talking too much ?? sorry then. what else should i write on my own blog if it wasn't about my life?? rite? nwyas, ill let you knw anything soon. later BLOGFREAKS hahaha ;DD xoxo -shilaa
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
suda lame la jgee tk update blog ni. did i ever mention that i hate writings?? well.. i hate writings. or typing..wtvr. nways,mcm2 happend since the last time i updated this blog. trial smbung next week. puasa lagi tu. OUH! i forgot. SELAMAT BERPUASA to all the muslims out there:DD & smbung2. byk laa. & now its already 2.05 a.m. daaayymmmnnn. if my dad finds out that i'm still off bed..u have no idea what he'll do to me. he'll eventually KILL ME!!!! & the last thing i want any of this to happen is that my sister is gonna leave tomorrow to go to russia. i know i'll be sad if she goes. i'll have no one else to kacau-kacau with sob sob ;( dh latu. i'll update something else next time. love yahh bitches! xoxo -shila
Friday, 26 June 2009
RIP to Michael Jackson , 26June2009
shocking news eva ! tkley nk ckp pape da ouh. he was lke a legend to me and i'm sure to everyone else as well. growing up, i listen to all of his songs & till now i still listening to it. this has been a huge loss for everyone i'm sure because he has been one of the greatest pop artist we had ever had. may god bless his soul. rest in peace, Michael Jackson <333
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Teen Choice Awards 2009
Tq :)
p/s: follow them on twitter >>
Tq :)
p/s: follow them on twitter >>
H1N1,transformers,new moon's NEW poster, prom nite ??
ok,so here it goes.sume da kecoh2 psl this disease called H1N1(swine flu) all over the world. & ckgu pn sebok ckp psl nk tutup skola for a week la bla bla bla. then suddenly. KA-BOOM ! transformer2 da kluar. warghhhhhh! nk tgk dohh. later i'll go & see. wait for me eh shia lebeouf? hehes ;pp one by one, the good stuff came after me. new moon has its NEW poster cover. SCREAM WITH ME PEOPLE! SCREAM! WARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! hahahahahah XDD

cool en? wish i was the he's hugging humphh. what a bummer. nways, i heard some rumors about a prom nite for all the Form5's student & i really dunt think it's a rumors anymore because one of the "organizers" told me bout it. so there. if they goin to have paramore on that night, surely i WILL & AUTOMATICALLY WILL go. but duhh, keep on dreaming shila. Paramore? chh ;\ . hehh, i'll update my blog soon ok? till then..
cool en? wish i was the he's hugging humphh. what a bummer. nways, i heard some rumors about a prom nite for all the Form5's student & i really dunt think it's a rumors anymore because one of the "organizers" told me bout it. so there. if they goin to have paramore on that night, surely i WILL & AUTOMATICALLY WILL go. but duhh, keep on dreaming shila. Paramore? chh ;\ . hehh, i'll update my blog soon ok? till then..
Monday, 1 June 2009
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009
21st is a good day
The one thing i love about being connected with people is that i can grow with you guys.
we are all going through lots of the same things
and i love that i can relate to all of you.
there is one thing that kind of hurts if i may share with you guys, a word that no one should be called when they are growing is... hypocrite.
my reasoning behind me disliking this word is because i believe we are all changing, growing and learning new things about ourselves everyday. I dont know about you guys but i feel like a complete different person from when i was 13, 14, and 15 and im pretty sure this feeling will occur again.
Things that we may have liked or loved 1 year ago may be things we wont ever mention again and don't want to either.
I remember when i was 12 telling my friends i would never ever wear dresses because i thought they were too prissy. Now I own more floral dresses than pants. Or how i hated mustard and gagged at the sight of it, now I will not touch a hotdog without it. I also said that I would never fall in love until i was much older to really understand the word.....
I am trailing off but my question for you guys is what have you said that may be completely different now? Its an interesting conversation starter I must say
The bummer about that part for me is i kind of get documented saying it..........
and I would love the chance to grow and CHANGE with you of course, that is if you allow me to...
if you give me that chance i will be forever grateful.
thank you.
“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.”
God bless
Shila <3
we are all going through lots of the same things
and i love that i can relate to all of you.
there is one thing that kind of hurts if i may share with you guys, a word that no one should be called when they are growing is... hypocrite.
my reasoning behind me disliking this word is because i believe we are all changing, growing and learning new things about ourselves everyday. I dont know about you guys but i feel like a complete different person from when i was 13, 14, and 15 and im pretty sure this feeling will occur again.
Things that we may have liked or loved 1 year ago may be things we wont ever mention again and don't want to either.
I remember when i was 12 telling my friends i would never ever wear dresses because i thought they were too prissy. Now I own more floral dresses than pants. Or how i hated mustard and gagged at the sight of it, now I will not touch a hotdog without it. I also said that I would never fall in love until i was much older to really understand the word.....
I am trailing off but my question for you guys is what have you said that may be completely different now? Its an interesting conversation starter I must say
The bummer about that part for me is i kind of get documented saying it..........
and I would love the chance to grow and CHANGE with you of course, that is if you allow me to...
if you give me that chance i will be forever grateful.
thank you.
“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.”
God bless
Shila <3
Friday, 15 May 2009
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Glen Hansard
And I'm trying hard to work it out
So much has gone misunderstood
And this mystery only leads to doubt
And I didn't understand
When you reached out to take my hand
And if you have something to say
You'd better say it now
Cause this is what you've waited for
Your chance to even up the score
And as these shadows fall on me now
I will somehow
Cause I'm picking up a message Lord
And I'm closer than I've ever been before
So if you have something to say
Say it to me now
Say it to me now
Say it to me now
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Adam Lambert.
dangg. he really is good when it comes to sing something like "mad world" LIVE! perghh. i really do think tht hes goin to win the ai season 8. hes mad lke hell douhh. ptg nih ade ai. tk sabar nk tgk. nk sgt2 anoop keluar. busan douh. or maybe lil' round ke. either of them lahh. & ouh, i hate those bitches at schl. especially HERRRRRRR.
thank you for watching:)
Friday, 10 April 2009
i miss him ;(
I've been alone so many nights now,
And I've been waitin' for the stars to fall.
I keep holdin' out for what I don't know
To be with you, just to be with you.
So here I am staring at the moon tonight,
Wondering how you look in this light.
Maybe you're somewhere thinkin' about me too.
To be with you, there's nothing I wouldn't do.
And I can't imagine two worlds spinnin' apart
Come together eventually..
And when we finally meet, I'll know it's right.
I'll be at the end of my restless road.
But this journey, it was worth the fight.
To be with you, just to be...
Holding you for the very first time, never letting go.
What I wouldn't give to feel that way...
Oh, to be with you...
Oh, and I can't imagine two worlds spinnin' apart
Come together eventually.
And when you're standin' here in front of me,
That's when I know that God does exist.
'Cause He will have answered every single prayer.
To be with you, just to be with you, yeah.
David Archuleta LIVE in KUALA LUMPUR
OMFG!! im going to the concert!! omg!omg!omg! but tk tahu confirm ke tk hehh. mama mcm "nk pegi?pegi la.kalu cncert cenggitu mama ksi jeh." then baba plak,"baba malas la nk pegi.tgk kat tv jelah." dude.babaku yg terbuncitt oii. baba tk pegi pn tkpe.bgi jelah ankmu yg comel ni pegi. lgipn mne ade parents pegi cncert archie baba oii?!! adeyh. nways,arghhhhhhh. ARCHULETAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! why on earth la kau pegi skola Sri KDU tu huh? SMK Seksyen 10 ni tk bagos sgt ke?? +_________+ FUCK SRI KDU !!!!!!!!!! *humph*
thank you for watching:)
Saturday, 4 April 2009
woohooooooooooo!! ystrday was a blastt! anis jdi shrek plg slim ouh hahah:DD oh,oh,ade buat face painting jgee smlm ouh.haha. best nk mati. but then dgr rumors ckgu mcm tk ske ade buat face painting nih. apekebangang??!! cikgu kamar sndr yg approved kott?!!!! peduli la. wira menang and im proud of it. :))))
Sunday, 15 March 2009
balik manado yeayy! :)
exam da habis da.bole tahan la gak.phys and bio for me are the thoughest one.then cuti ni gi MANADO.HAHAHHAHA XDD ill post some of thr photos while im there later okie?
Happy Holidays people:)
Friday, 27 February 2009
carolina liar.brooke white.gwyneth paltrow.
i swear to god tht diorg ni best gler nk mati!first carolina's a band.lbih kurang mcm the fray && sumthin lke tht lahh.then brooke white.shes from american idol last season.shes really adoreable.really:DD && lastly gwyneth paltrow.shes an actress actually && the wife of lead vocalist in coldplay,chis martin.ive been up all night googling some new comers singer.ade byk lgi actually but i list it up for you guys later.kris allen,allison iraheta 77 adam lambert..CONGRATSS!! cant wait to see your performances:DD
Thursday, 26 February 2009
hutan punya cerita.
serious ths morning rase smcm jeh lepas bce2 ayat al-Quran ouh.some of the gals kne histeria.buat maksiat lgi,kn da kne mcm2 da.nways,ptg tdi ade meeting club && permainan.pencinta alam nk buat lwtn kat hutan tepi skola.just to help nk bersih2 kn kwsn in tht perticular area lahh but i guess for a moment,i wont go anywhere near those forest due to wht just happend yesterday && ths morning.takuttttt:} && ouh,i just had my new hair cut.potong sndr.and senget sgt2.just lke the tuan pnyee badan haha :DD american idol! omg!!! adam lambert,ailevviuu! matt giraud,i still love you too. tht other guy,cant rmmbr his name,ikchlibadickh hahaXD group B pnyee ramai suare best2 tk tao nk plih spee;[
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
batuk-batuk.fever-fever ;\
it's been two days now tk prgi sehat.tetibe jeh.adeyh,sure hwork blambak nk mati.da lah folio physic tk siap lgi and the dateline is tmrrw!gosh,i hate being form5.
hwork lain tkyah ckp week da start monthly test.ya scared to death rite now.insyaAllah dpt great results.amin.
hwork lain tkyah ckp week da start monthly test.ya scared to death rite now.insyaAllah dpt great results.amin.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
*sighing* ouh lord
ive been in love before.completely unconditionally and irrevocably in love w/ him.bla,bla,bla..~ then i got sick of waiting for sick of pretending to smile and be happy in front of,i tried to forget works! and im glad it does.sadly,somewhere beneath there in a little tiny space of my heart,i still have feelings for him.ouh lord..why on earth is this happening to me??
sappyy shilaa;(
Thursday, 19 February 2009
homeworkkkkkkk -___________-
KEMALASAN!!! eventho hari ni tk blaja pn but still rase cam hwork tk kureng2 pn.anisssssssss,srry sesgt-sgt bout today.ak mmg nk gy pn but tetibe rase tknk plak(amende ak ckp ni??). nways,srry weyyy;| jgn ah mrajuk lgi douh.nmpk poyo tahap baboon sgt2.and and,bile nk hbis skola nih??! ak nk kawen la wahai cikgu2 sekalian.bahaa ;DD proooottttttttt.opps!
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
flowerHORN ;(
my headd!! benjol douh.i hit my head kat book shelf(btul ke ni eje?) time nk tidur.huhuhh ;( sakitt glerr babi nk mati ouh.oh yea,hwork..MELIMPAH is all i can say right now.
*bm-sinopsis 'konserto terakhir from chap.1 till 14 ONE-by-ONE
*chem-lab report+nota+exercise
*bm-sinopsis 'konserto terakhir from chap.1 till 14 ONE-by-ONE
*chem-lab report+nota+exercise
Saturday, 14 February 2009
sukantara bengong :)
MALUNYEE AKU WEYHH! fcuk gler.aku tk reti lompat jauh la korg!!! bodonyee.kan da hbis jatoh tgolek kat khalayak ramai.aduyai..nways,i was completely and utterly enjoyed myself on tht day for wtvr reason it is haha.stupid mehh:) time lari best gler nk mati ouh.i ran pretty fast too bahhaa;DD anisss,bace ni gelak puas2 tau! clair,ouh clair~~ camne kau bleh terer lari && lompat jauh?huh?huh? takpe,i tk kesah as long as wira menang babe! uishh,poyo douh haha.WIRAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Sunday, 8 February 2009
daymn! my hurts ;(
tetibe je ouh.i woke up ths morning(if you can clld 12.50 is still in the a.m hours)nways,BAAMM! i cant strech my leg.i hve no clue wht so ever smpi bleh jdi camni and it hurts soo badly.huhu;( moving on,im learning how to play a thousand miles by vanessa carlton(dgn piano la..obviously).
-to be continued..-
-to be continued..-
Friday, 6 February 2009
officially auntie SHILA :)
its a boy!hahahaha;DD (6Feb09)<---im goin to remember this date from now on.ouh yea,hwork..still blambak gile babi.tingt nadia(my feveret gebek haha):"asl sikit sgt hwork ni?tkde lgi ke?",siott jeh dak uh haha.nways,bout the cool video on my last blog, i am so,so srry because the embed cannot be so srry fer bringing the excitement into you guys.but to make up for it,i promised i will posted the video as soon as the embed are available:)
Auntie Shila
Auntie Shila
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
auntie shila haha:)
p/s:saya post nnti jelah yee vid2 tuh;pp srry~
Monday, 2 February 2009
im bored like hell lahh people-_______-
my guy
when it rains
on this side of town it touch
just say it again
we dont miss a thing
you made yours
and convi
that it's not the reaso
and oh,
so why cant you stay just long enoug
and when it rains
will you alway
just runni
from all of the ones who loved
from every
you made yours
and you'
that you dont want to see the sun anymo
and oh,
so why cant you stay just long enoug
take your time
take my time
take this chanc
just take this chanc
and take this chanc
just turn it aroun
and oh,
and oh,
so why cant you stay just long enoug
you can take your time
take my time
hari Wilayah :)
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