Friday, 6 February 2009

officially auntie SHILA :)

its a boy!hahahaha;DD (6Feb09)<---im goin to remember this date from now on.ouh yea,hwork..still blambak gile babi.tingt nadia(my feveret gebek haha):"asl sikit sgt hwork ni?tkde lgi ke?",siott jeh dak uh haha.nways,bout the cool video on my last blog, i am so,so srry because the embed cannot be so srry fer bringing the excitement into you guys.but to make up for it,i promised i will posted the video as soon as the embed are available:)
Auntie Shila

1 comment:

Anis Farhanah said...

dudeeee. baru nak jadi aunt? aku masa umur 10 tahun dh ada anak sedara. kejap lagi ada la cucu. tgk je la. hahahah. :PP