Wednesday, 31 March 2010
April Fool's.
there's a spider on your back! HA HA! April Fool's. LOLL! :DD anyways, i got my L license already. and i watched american idol today. Lee DeWyze nailed it! and i have a feeling that he's gonna win this year. for sure. nothing much to say. so.. yah! have an awesome April Fool's day everyone hahaha (as if) :D
Monday, 29 March 2010
first step.
oh my goodness. you guys have no idea what happened this morning. i got up around 10.00, brush my teeth, rinsed my face, grab the car key and head down to the car parked next to my house. AND I DROVE IT! I DID IT! WOOHOOOOO! HAHAHAHAHAHA XDD it's been quite a long time since the last time i drove a car before. i called my friend to accompanying me while i'm driving. i'm scared to do it all by myself that's why. but i'm glad i did it. pheww.. tomorrow will be my next class. wish me luck! ;D
Friday, 26 March 2010
had a little chit chat with a friend of mine. can't believe i'm gonna say this but.. I MISS SCHOOLS!! THERE! the only place i ever call hell and i missed it. i miss the fun we all had in class. i miss cracking some jokes. i miss gossiping even though we all had a lot of works to do. but i still and always will hate the learning stuff. LOLL!
anyways, there's nothing much to talk about. i got a letter from UPM today. too bad they didn't offer anything that caught my interest. well, i still need to apply to any colleges before the end of this month. i'm still undecided on where i'm going and what course am i going to take. oh well.. we'll see how it goes :)
anyways, there's nothing much to talk about. i got a letter from UPM today. too bad they didn't offer anything that caught my interest. well, i still need to apply to any colleges before the end of this month. i'm still undecided on where i'm going and what course am i going to take. oh well.. we'll see how it goes :)
Thursday, 25 March 2010
yesterday was a lot of fun. i went out with my two girlfriends, shopping. and today was.. meh ;\ and before that, today is my brother's birthday and also my "husband", Anis hahahaha :DD happy birthday to both of you.
well moving on, i'm kinda depressed today because i had to do a lot of works. chores of course. and when i get tired, i'm so not in the mood. urgh! i thought i was gonna let it all out here but no words can describe how i feel right now. therefore, i think i'm gonna stop here for a while..

p/s: pictures of me with my one of my best friend, Syafiqah :)
well moving on, i'm kinda depressed today because i had to do a lot of works. chores of course. and when i get tired, i'm so not in the mood. urgh! i thought i was gonna let it all out here but no words can describe how i feel right now. therefore, i think i'm gonna stop here for a while..
p/s: pictures of me with my one of my best friend, Syafiqah :)
Sunday, 21 March 2010
holy "crab".
today i don't wanna talk much. let the pictures talk. like they say, " a picture worth a thousand words " :)

crab is my only favorite :D

i don't like onions. taste better without 'em

my eyes!:OOO macam Halle Berry dalam X-Man hahahaha xD

eh? watchu lookin at?

okay okay, smile for the camera :)

tinggal separuh dah. after a few secs..


" sedapnya hingga menjilat jari. " LOLL!
hahahahaha :DD you know what, after a while, rasa nak muntah pulak. too much mayo and mustard. blueeekk!
crab is my only favorite :D
i don't like onions. taste better without 'em
my eyes!:OOO macam Halle Berry dalam X-Man hahahaha xD
eh? watchu lookin at?
okay okay, smile for the camera :)
tinggal separuh dah. after a few secs..
" sedapnya hingga menjilat jari. " LOLL!
hahahahaha :DD you know what, after a while, rasa nak muntah pulak. too much mayo and mustard. blueeekk!
" rain, rain go away, come again.. when it's summer? " heh ;\ it's sunday already. and i'm supposed to go out today with my girlfriends but something came up so we decided to postpone it to wednesday. hooraayyy! can't wait to go out with them. i need to buy a lot of things especially clothes and shoes! i've been wearing the same thing over and over again and i'm sicked of it. and of course i need money to buy all those stuff. i need a new pair of jeans, new handbags and a whole load of clothes. arrgghhh, baba.. can u give me RM1000 and NOT RM50? pleaseeeeeee?? ;] oh well.. ( macam la nak kasi without asking too many questions chh )
Friday, 19 March 2010
vanilla twilight.
this song is so sweeeeett! seriously. the words.. oh my goodness. if a guy wrote and sing this song to me, for sure i'll fall for him. my favourite lines from this song would be, " the silence isn't so bad 'til i look at my hands and feel sad, cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly..". awwwwwww~ see what i mean?
and then i looked up for the official music video. and i found this.
this guy is so cute, isn't he? ;)
lovely video and very sweet aite? but guess what? this isn't the official video. i know rite? shocking :O the video looks so good you can't even tell if it's the fake one. i first thought this is the famous "Owl City" guy but nope, not him. well, who cares if it's fake. i like it. in fact, i love it!:DDD
and then i looked up for the official music video. and i found this.
this guy is so cute, isn't he? ;)
lovely video and very sweet aite? but guess what? this isn't the official video. i know rite? shocking :O the video looks so good you can't even tell if it's the fake one. i first thought this is the famous "Owl City" guy but nope, not him. well, who cares if it's fake. i like it. in fact, i love it!:DDD
mama punya operation tadi pagi smooth sahaja. alhamdulillah. and she'll be back tomorrow! yeepiee! can't wait :DD
and ouh, my girlfriends asked me to go and hang out with them on sunday. i'm scared to ask my parents' permission but i really do wanna go with them. should i ask my my parents or not? hmm..
and ouh, my girlfriends asked me to go and hang out with them on sunday. i'm scared to ask my parents' permission but i really do wanna go with them. should i ask my my parents or not? hmm..
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Lacey Brown.
the first contestant on top 12 to be voted off tonight was Lacey Brown. i like her. i really do. her voice is very distinct than other contestant who is on the show. she reminds me of the girls from the group Sixpence Non the Richer. very.. vintage sorta. it is sad not to see her on the show :( we all love you Lacey. keep on doing what you're doing. you'll be great someday.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
not much to do today. gonna go and visit my mum at the hospital. i hope she's fine hmm.
i have no idea what i'm gonna write on my blog just now. just a few minutes ago, i got a text from Wani, my very closest friend. she asked how i was doing because we didn't get to talk much at school 2 weeks ago. and you know what? she just got herself a boyfriend. like.. a real life boyfriend. and she told me that she was completely in love with him. her quote, " but 1 thing 4 sure, i'm so in luv wit him.." awwwwww... that is so sweet :) really. we're planning to go out together but not sure when and she's gonna introduce me to her "boyfie" soon. i'm so happy to see her happy. that's what friends for rite?
bloody hell.
again, bloody hell. it's so cold in here. guess where am i? ;)
little banana.
just wanna post this youtube video up. damn he is so cute! AND FUNNY TOO!
i'll be supporting you all the way Alex! :)
i'll be supporting you all the way Alex! :)
tmth ( too much to handle ).
my mum had to stay at the hospital for 3 days. and i missed her already :( right now i'm living with my dad and no one else. I WANT MY MUMMY BAACKKKK!!!

she's a strong, independent woman. and i hope she did well. amin. love you mama ♥
well moving on, today's american idol Top 12 was kinda good actually. i'm still bummed that Alex Lambert got voted off last week. he was so good and plus, very very funny when he was on the Ellen DeGeneres' show. he said that his mum gonna take his phone away if he didn't go for the audition. thank gahd his mum did that! hahahaha :DD
and my other favorite contestant who is still on the show, Lee DeWyze sang a song about.. well i didn't know what the title is but the lyrics has something to do with, " i want you to make love with me.. " or something like that. Lee, honestly, i do wanna make love with you. LOLLLL! :DDD

see, handsome gilaa kan? hehehe ;pp
so after watching american idol, it's GLEEK time HAHAHA :DD but today's episode was so much fun. makes me love the show even more! i never in a gazillion year would have thought that that Sue's character in Glee is a nice person, deep down inside. no words can explain what i'm gonna say. you guys gotta watch this episode and i bet you're gonna love it! :)

" and that's how Sue sees it. " AHAHAHA :DD
she's a strong, independent woman. and i hope she did well. amin. love you mama ♥
well moving on, today's american idol Top 12 was kinda good actually. i'm still bummed that Alex Lambert got voted off last week. he was so good and plus, very very funny when he was on the Ellen DeGeneres' show. he said that his mum gonna take his phone away if he didn't go for the audition. thank gahd his mum did that! hahahaha :DD
and my other favorite contestant who is still on the show, Lee DeWyze sang a song about.. well i didn't know what the title is but the lyrics has something to do with, " i want you to make love with me.. " or something like that. Lee, honestly, i do wanna make love with you. LOLLLL! :DDD
see, handsome gilaa kan? hehehe ;pp
so after watching american idol, it's GLEEK time HAHAHA :DD but today's episode was so much fun. makes me love the show even more! i never in a gazillion year would have thought that that Sue's character in Glee is a nice person, deep down inside. no words can explain what i'm gonna say. you guys gotta watch this episode and i bet you're gonna love it! :)
" and that's how Sue sees it. " AHAHAHA :DD
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
okay, i know what you're thinking shortly after you read the title. i can't help it. i'm a girl. a girl gotta gossips sometimes rite? oh well, today's gossip subject is about rewards. some people deserve it and some people don't. and i, i don't deserve any rewards at all because of my results. okay, enough about me.
i have a friend named.. (okay, i don't wanna start calling anyone's name so lets just call her A) A, she's very sweet and kind and generous and.. pretty much everything good lah! she got straight A's and she's happy about it. not for long laa. her dad didn't want to reward her with some kind of gift that she asked her dad to buy for her if she did well on her exams. so she pissed off about it. and even worse, her family didn't celebrate her success at all! let me say one thing, i'll be pissed off also if it happens to me.
and came another friend of mine, lets call her B. she didn't do so well in her exams and only got 1A. but the funny part is, her whole entire family celebrate for her not-so-well achievement and reward her with an expensive branded wrist watch! i mean.. what the hell? her results is wayy worst than mine and she got rewarded? FUCK OFF PUSSY!
so, there you go. juicy little gossip secrets eh? sshhhhhh.. don't tell anyone ;p i'll gossip again later. ttfn :)
i have a friend named.. (okay, i don't wanna start calling anyone's name so lets just call her A) A, she's very sweet and kind and generous and.. pretty much everything good lah! she got straight A's and she's happy about it. not for long laa. her dad didn't want to reward her with some kind of gift that she asked her dad to buy for her if she did well on her exams. so she pissed off about it. and even worse, her family didn't celebrate her success at all! let me say one thing, i'll be pissed off also if it happens to me.
and came another friend of mine, lets call her B. she didn't do so well in her exams and only got 1A. but the funny part is, her whole entire family celebrate for her not-so-well achievement and reward her with an expensive branded wrist watch! i mean.. what the hell? her results is wayy worst than mine and she got rewarded? FUCK OFF PUSSY!
so, there you go. juicy little gossip secrets eh? sshhhhhh.. don't tell anyone ;p i'll gossip again later. ttfn :)
Monday, 15 March 2010
first of all, good morning everyone. didn't expect me to write so soon aite? hahaha :D well anyways, i have tons of things and stuff i wanna share with you guys. a few weeks ago, or a month ago or so, i went out with my girlfriends. we went to Sunway Pyramid twice. the first time, i went there with Az and Budd. and guess what we did?

oh my, i swear to God i almost killed myself by agreeing to skate with them. pheww~
and then, the real story begins.our actual plan was to go to Sunway Lagoon but unfortunately the place was closed at that time. (stupid people, hari selase pun pegi tutup GRR!) we were so humiliated. especially me and Az. makan Carl's Jr pun tk bermaya aiseyh ;\
and so we decide to go there again, not on tuesday laa. buat malu je lagi. and we had a BLAST! oh dear, that guy who took our pictures together was so cute! he's my boyfriend now. LOLLL! back off Az! he's mine! RAWRRRRRR!!
oh my, i swear to God i almost killed myself by agreeing to skate with them. pheww~
and then, the real story begins.our actual plan was to go to Sunway Lagoon but unfortunately the place was closed at that time. (stupid people, hari selase pun pegi tutup GRR!) we were so humiliated. especially me and Az. makan Carl's Jr pun tk bermaya aiseyh ;\
and so we decide to go there again, not on tuesday laa. buat malu je lagi. and we had a BLAST! oh dear, that guy who took our pictures together was so cute! he's my boyfriend now. LOLLL! back off Az! he's mine! RAWRRRRRR!!
third blog of the day LOLLL! i always forgot what to say on the first blog that's why you guys always notice that i usually update 2-3 blogs in one day. silly me, i know. anyways, i just wanna post some of the "addiction" that i'm dealing with for almost a year now. guess what? FACEBOOK! TWITTER! AHAHAHAHHAHA ;DDD i know rite? i bet there are tons of people out there that have the same addiction/obsessive as mine :)


and there you have it! i don't use MySpace most of the time. not at all to be frankly. and oh, YOUTUBE! darn it. i forgot. again ;\
and there you have it! i don't use MySpace most of the time. not at all to be frankly. and oh, YOUTUBE! darn it. i forgot. again ;\
happy birthday.
the usual, i always forgot to post the most important things that happened. today is my sister's birthday. Happy Birthday Kak Lysha :) may Allah bless you always and i'm glad to have you as my sister. amin.

p/s: above here is a photo of me and my sister taken long, long time ago. i love it! this is what an image of sisterhood should look like that we all should be proud of.
p/s: above here is a photo of me and my sister taken long, long time ago. i love it! this is what an image of sisterhood should look like that we all should be proud of.
there's nothing much to talk today. it's 9:00 pm already and i don't usually update my blog at night. but i think we all should write blogs at night before we all go for bed. well, basically blogs are something that we summed up of anything that happened during the day. so i think writing blogs at night are wayy interesting. for me lah hee ;p
saya ni cakap je pandai tapi there's nothing interesting for me to update you guys right now. mama esok pegi hospital. insyaAllah tkde pape yg serious laa. hmm.. maybe i should write again tomorrow. i'm kinda blurr right now. ttfn :)
oh btw, i got my L license hooraayyy!
saya ni cakap je pandai tapi there's nothing interesting for me to update you guys right now. mama esok pegi hospital. insyaAllah tkde pape yg serious laa. hmm.. maybe i should write again tomorrow. i'm kinda blurr right now. ttfn :)
oh btw, i got my L license hooraayyy!
Saturday, 13 March 2010
stress released.
sunday morning.
i woke up very early today. and people don't usually do that especially on sunday unless they wanted to go for jogging or church. anyways, i still haven't decided yet where i'm going to further my studies. if i still can do medic, i wanna go to New Zealand so badly. or should i just take A-level an go to UK? arrghhh! life is tough man! can't i just do things the easier way and earned more money and become a gazillionare? I NEED HELP!

and this picture over here does reflect how i feel right now. i am stressed out! and i need help! ASAP! PRONTO! YADA-YADA-YADA! GRRRR!
and this picture over here does reflect how i feel right now. i am stressed out! and i need help! ASAP! PRONTO! YADA-YADA-YADA! GRRRR!
Thursday, 11 March 2010
FINALLY! i have been dreading to watch this trailer for so long because eclipse is my favorite book by far from the twilight saga series. can't wait!
Alex Lambert.
another sad, sad day. i only have two favorite contestant on american idol. Lee Dewyze and Alex Lambert. and now only one left. Alex Lambert got voted off last night which is very shocking for me as well as everyone else who watches the show. he was so good! i still don't get it why america didn't vote for him to be on the top 12. you'll be a great artist someday Alex. i know you will because we all will cheer for you every step of the way. we love you Alex :)

life is like a roller coaster ride. sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down. sometimes it swirls you around and makes you wanna scream your lungs out. this is exactly how i feel over the past couple of days.

and sometimes i just wish that life moves a lot more slower than that. like a mary-go-round. there's no ups and downs. always in a circle but a little bit more nicer and prettier. maybe life just doesn't work that way. for me tho.

and sometimes i just wish that life moves a lot more slower than that. like a mary-go-round. there's no ups and downs. always in a circle but a little bit more nicer and prettier. maybe life just doesn't work that way. for me tho.
i think everyone can relate to what my title for this blog is. sometimes waiting is good. and sometimes it's bad. for me, usually waiting is bad. just a couple of days ago, i had an awful feeling about how my results would turn out to be. but at the same time, i don't want that feelings to be true. too bad for me, the results didn't turned out that well. i had to wait for who knows how many long hours and days for that not to happened to me. but life is what it is. you just gotta accept what it offers to you no matter what.
and though that wait is over, i had to wait for another "waiting". the calls. the offers from any college that would accept me. i always wanted to go where my brother and sister went after they had their results. apparently for me, that was only a dream that i will never, in a gazillion years, achieved. right now, i just need to pray harder so that somethings good will happened. i really don't care what i get in the future. i am absolutely fine with it. it's just that, my parents means a lot to me and i don't wanna let them down, which i did, so many, many times. i just wish that i could do something that i like for myself and my parents would be proud of it.
i feel so ashamed of myself because i am the only person in this house that didn't do well in anything especially academics. my dad had this whole vision of having the entire family become a doctor. too bad i can't lived up to that expectation. sorry i had let you down dad, mum. i wish i could do anything to make it up for you guys because both of you had done so many great stuff to me and i really, really appreciate that. i promise. someday, even if it took me years, i will pay back everything and make you guys happy. i promise.
and though that wait is over, i had to wait for another "waiting". the calls. the offers from any college that would accept me. i always wanted to go where my brother and sister went after they had their results. apparently for me, that was only a dream that i will never, in a gazillion years, achieved. right now, i just need to pray harder so that somethings good will happened. i really don't care what i get in the future. i am absolutely fine with it. it's just that, my parents means a lot to me and i don't wanna let them down, which i did, so many, many times. i just wish that i could do something that i like for myself and my parents would be proud of it.
i feel so ashamed of myself because i am the only person in this house that didn't do well in anything especially academics. my dad had this whole vision of having the entire family become a doctor. too bad i can't lived up to that expectation. sorry i had let you down dad, mum. i wish i could do anything to make it up for you guys because both of you had done so many great stuff to me and i really, really appreciate that. i promise. someday, even if it took me years, i will pay back everything and make you guys happy. i promise.
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