Wednesday, 17 March 2010

tmth ( too much to handle ).

my mum had to stay at the hospital for 3 days. and i missed her already :( right now i'm living with my dad and no one else. I WANT MY MUMMY BAACKKKK!!!

she's a strong, independent woman. and i hope she did well. amin. love you mama ♥

well moving on, today's american idol Top 12 was kinda good actually. i'm still bummed that Alex Lambert got voted off last week. he was so good and plus, very very funny when he was on the Ellen DeGeneres' show. he said that his mum gonna take his phone away if he didn't go for the audition. thank gahd his mum did that! hahahaha :DD
and my other favorite contestant who is still on the show, Lee DeWyze sang a song about.. well i didn't know what the title is but the lyrics has something to do with, " i want you to make love with me.. " or something like that. Lee, honestly, i do wanna make love with you. LOLLLL! :DDD

see, handsome gilaa kan? hehehe ;pp

so after watching american idol, it's GLEEK time HAHAHA :DD but today's episode was so much fun. makes me love the show even more! i never in a gazillion year would have thought that that Sue's character in Glee is a nice person, deep down inside. no words can explain what i'm gonna say. you guys gotta watch this episode and i bet you're gonna love it! :)

" and that's how Sue sees it. " AHAHAHA :DD

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